Vilt in vorm 1
04/17/2023 10:00 to 04/19/2023 16:30
Oldeberkoop, Netherlands
Uit de dans van tegenstrijdige emoties worden creativiteit en kunst geboren. Hoewel beeldhouwkunst meestal als statisch wordt ervaren, zie ik het meer als beweging, de beweging van wolvezels naar vilt.
En zolang er beweging is, is er leven.
It is from the dance of conflicting emotions that creativity and art are born. Though sculpture is usually perceived as static I see it more as movement, the movement of wool from fibers into felt.
And as long as there is movement there is life.I
Deze 3-daagse workshop is een ontdekkingsreis vol ervaringen met het modelleren van verschillende wolsoorten en andere vezels. We zullen verschillende technieken verkennen voor sculpturale vormideeën, met thema's als: vouwen en ontvouwen, reliëf bouwen, afklemmen en binden. Alles om ons meer bewust te worden van het hoe en waarom we dit medium willen gebruiken. Deze workshop is geïnspireerd op het idee dat we onszelf moeten toestaan om nieuwe manieren van creëren met wol te ontdekken. Laat de wol je dingen voelen en beslis dan of het goed is. We zullen spelen met de processen van verkorten, verdikken, aanspannen, krimpen en andere transformaties van vervilte oppervlakken.
De nadruk zal liggen op hoe kleur verandert in het viltproces en hoe verschillende lay-outs en viltmethoden vormen en vormen veranderen.
Enige viltervaring vereist.
This 3-day workshop is a discovery journey filled with many experiences of modeling different wools and other fibers. We will explore different techniques for sculptural form ideas, with themes like: folding and unfolding, building relief, clamping and binding. All to become more aware of how and why we want to use this medium. This workshop is inspired by the idea that we have to allow ourselves to discover new ways of creating with wool. Let the wool make you feel things, and then decide if it is any good. We will play with the processes of shortening, thickening, tightening, shrinking and other transformations of felted surfaces.
Focus will be on how color changes in the felting process and how different layouts and felting methods change forms and shapes.
Some felting experience required .
Marjolein Dallinga was born in the Netherlands where she studied Fine
Arts. She moved to Montréal, Canada, in 1989 to pursue her art career through making art books and jewelry. While raising a family, her creativity led her to toy making and teaching art classes. This led her to discover felting, and she now works in this medium.
The world-renowned CIRQUE DU SOLEIL became interested in Marjolein’s work, and for many years she has experimented with felt for their costume design while also creating final products for their shows.
Marjolein has her own company,, and works from her studio with sewing and dyeing rooms. She has taught felting for fifteen years in North and South America, Europe, and Australia. Last year she won three awards for her costumes made for the WOW (world of wearable art) in New Zealand. To learn more:
“Ontdekking door vilt”
Workshop beeldhouwen vilten
Marjolein Dallinga