Accessible silkscreen printing
04/07/2019 10:00 to 04/08/2019 16:30
Oldeberkoop, Netherlands
Oldeberkoop, Netherlands
Accessible Silk Screen Printing with Dionne Swift
Silk Screen printing always seems to be an awkward technique to explore at home or personal studio, with lots of specialist equipment, exposure units and huge wash out areas. In this workshop you’ll discover how easy and accessible printing can be.
We will cover:
Basic stencil printing, the painterly effects achieved by Manutex Mono-printing, create wonderful textures with Breakdown printing and refine our imagery with a flour paste printing technique.
All the techniques you will be able to recreate at home with basic equipment.
“A truly fulfilling, creatively challenging, hands-on, inky experience! Silk screen printing was a totally new departure for me. Dionne has showed me ‘how’ to work and continued practise paid off! Getting gloopy hands, scraping, colour mixing is all part of the fun. There is no better feeling than a sense of accomplishment looking at a successful print.
Thanks Dionne – truly great course, your feedback has been so helpful.” - Debbie