Up Close to Nature; stitched mixed media

15-07-2019 10:00  tot   17-07-2019 16:30

Oldeberkoop, Nederland

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Explore the theme of ‘Up Close To Nature ‘ on this experimental stitch course

We will use both hand and machine embroidery to create a group of small mixed media pieces that could  develop into a larger or more resolved work.

We will develop ideas about colour, texture and rhythm from microscopic images of cell structures and small textured natural forms and interpret them using a wide range of fabrics, from traditional to plastic, wire or paper.   A variety of techniques will be shown including making textured cords using the sewing machine, layering and cutting back fabrics,  simple hand stitch. You will be encouraged to be expressive and experimental  with both materials and stitch.  

Group demonstrations, discussions and individual help will support your learning experience

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Tijdens onze lessen staat de hele dag water, thee en koffie met wat lekkers op tafel. Tussen de middag verzorgen we een uitgebreide lunch met soep, sap, salade en fruit.